Sometimes when you walk in sadness,
It enters through your skin.
Even if you try to hide it,
Without still meets within.
It makes you unattractive,
To those who know you none.
Because who wants to be around,
A cloud that blocks the sun?
You’ve got to sweat it out again.
Make sure it all gets out.
It’s no good in your system.
It’s not what you’re about.
We all want to be happy.
And that’s a solid fact.
And when we’re not, it’s just because,
We’re the opposite of that.
So when dreams emerge unmet…
When curved balls cross your sky…
When shock is of the nasty kind…
When your Truth turns out a Lie…
Remember that it happens,
To all of us, some times…
That even when we are alone,
We’re not, you know… it binds.
It is inversely proportional,
To that we want the most.
The fact that we can feel it,
Shows scope for a joy-filled host.
So reconstruct your dreams…
Let curved balls fall asunder…
Let knowledge temper all surprise…
Let lies be left to wander…
Sometimes it takes so awful long,
To see it as a favour.
But that it is, just let it be…
Experience is your Saviour.
I like.....I really resonated within me....and what's more: It confirms something about you....something I have always known...YOU...ARE....A BEAUTIFUL SOUL!